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Link Building Statistics To Transform Your SEO Strategy in 2024

Rahul Doshi

December 18, 2023

Updated: July 17, 2024

If you’re a digital marketer or website owner, chances are you’ve discovered the importance of link building for SEO. But have you ever wondered what the statistics say about link building and its impact on your website’s rankings and visibility? This piece delves into link building statistics and uncovers compelling data proving why building links is crucial for your online success.

General Link Building Statistics

Let’s start with highlighting general link building statistics and their importance in the digital landscape:

  • Backlinko’s study revealed that a higher number of different sites linking to a page corresponds to better rankings on Google. Thus, obtaining quality backlinks is vital for improving your website’s organic search performance.
  • Moz’s report indicates that quality backlinks are still considered one of the primary ranking factors for search engines, ranking second only to the quality of content. The link building is still an integral part of any successful SEO strategy.
  • Research by SEMrush indicates that 65% of marketers believe link building is the most challenging SEO tactic. However, it also highlights that those who invest in link building see significant improvements in their overall SEO results.
  • A recent survey found that many companies allocate a significant portion of their budget to link building efforts, with around 40% spending between $1,000 to $5,000 per month.
  • However, a study by Ahrefs revealed that nearly three-quarters (⅔) of web pages have zero backlinks, highlighting the significance of backlinks as a ranking factor and underscoring how challenging it is to achieve them.
  • Professionals widely recognize the value of networking in achieving career goals, according to a LinkedIn report, which notes that 80% of respondents deem it essential for professional advancement. Entrepreneurs may improve their chances of acquiring high quality backlinks by fostering connections within one’s industry, establishing relationships with influential individuals, and engaging in collaboration and content sharing.
  • Email marketing proves to be a powerful method to generate returns on investment (ROI), with a study by Campaign Monitor revealing that for every dollar spent, emails generate $38 in revenue. Including link building elements within these messages, such as promoting relevant content or offering valuable resources, can motivate subscribers to share content and conceivably garner backlinks.
  • Finally, a report by Stackla emphasizes the impact of user-generated content (UGC) on consumer trust and behavior. When brands encourage their audiences to create content associated with their offerings, they can expand their reach and attract links from third-party sites that feature or share this UGC.

Link Building Process and Strategies Statistics

Understanding the process and strategies behind link building can provide valuable insights into its effectiveness. Consider the following statistics:

  • According to a survey by Link Building HQ, guest posting is the most popular and influential link building strategy used by digital marketers, with 65% reporting positive results from guest blogging.
  • According to a study by Ahrefs, most pages ranking in Google’s top 10 search results have at least one external backlink directed towards them. It highlights the importance of acquiring backlinks from reputable sources.
  • Research from Buzzsumo indicates that content with higher social shares tends to attract more backlinks. Engaging and shareable content can significantly contribute to your link building efforts.
  • According to a recent study by uSERP, content marketing has emerged as the leading strategy for generating backlinks, with over 40% of marketers believing it to be the most effective method.
  • Specifically, content marketing campaigns focused on link generation were the most popular link building tactics in 2021, cited by 89% of respondents. Also, over half of marketers surveyed reported that it takes between one and three months to observe tangible link building results, according to Aira.
  • As per Backlinko, longer-form content is advantageous when generating links, as data suggests that these pieces generate significantly more links than shorter articles (77.2%). Meanwhile, ‘what’ and ‘why’ posts tend to perform better than ‘how-to’ posts regarding link acquisition (around 25% more).
  • Reciprocal links make up nearly half of the top-ranking pages examined, according to Ahrefs.
  • Furthermore, a study by Unbounce discovered that creating eye-catching and educational infographics may increase web traffic by up to 12%. These visual aids provide opportunities for sharing and embedding, enhancing user engagement.
  • Moz’s research highlights the importance of internal linking within a website, as it helps disperse link equity across pages and improve overall SEO value. Strategic linking to other parts of your content can also encourage visitors to explore more areas of your site, thereby increasing the likelihood of acquiring additional backlinks organically.
  • As per a survey by uSERP, most respondents (65%) consider domain rating or domain authority to be the most crucial indicator of overall backlink quality.
  • Unfortunately, cold outreach for link-building purposes tends to yield low success rates, with just 8.5% of emails resulting in linkbacks.
  • Nofollow links, on the other hand, are deemed valuable by a substantial percentage of SEOs (54%), according to
  • The Content Marketing Institute report suggests that repurposing existing content through various formats like articles, infographics, or videos can expand its reach and potential for garnering additional backlinks.

Link Building Trend Statistics

Link Building Trend Statistics

The world of link building is continually evolving. Keeping up-to-date with the latest trends can assist in a more efficient link building strategy. Here are some trend statistics:

  • Mobile optimization is becoming increasingly crucial for link building success. 
    With mobile web use exceeding that of desktops, prioritizing mobile usability improves end-user experiences and broadens the reach and potential for acquiring high quality backlinks. By ensuring seamless navigation, quick loading times, and intuitive design across various mobile platforms, businesses can significantly boost their visibility among a widening online audience, thereby enhancing their odds of earning relevant links from authoritative sources.
  • Influencer marketing is gaining traction as an effective link building technique. Tomoson’s study discovered that for every dollar invested in influencer marketing, businesses generate an average return on investment (ROI) of $6.50.
    You can boost your brand’s visibility and credibility by collaborating with influencers with a solid online presence and a loyal following. When influencers mention your brand or link to your website in their content, it drives traffic and attracts valuable backlinks from their audience. Linkless mentions, or “implied links,” are becoming more critical. Google has started considering brand mentions without specific link attribution as signals for ranking. It means that building brand reputation and awareness can indirectly add value to the link building efforts.

Link Building Opportunities and Challenges Statistics

While link building offers exciting opportunities, it has its fair share of challenges. Consider the following statistics:

  • A study by Ascend2 revealed that 48% of marketers need help finding relevant and high-quality websites to acquire backlinks. It emphasizes the significance of conducting comprehensive research when identifying potential link building opportunities.
  • Building organic backlinks takes time. A survey by Moz highlights over 90% of newly published pages don’t receive organic links. It emphasizes the need for patience and persistence in your link building endeavors.
  • Research from Search Engine Watch showed that over 50% of all web pages have no backlinks. Therefore, actively engaging in link building strategies can provide a significant edge over competitors who overlook this essential aspect of SEO.
  • According to Backlinko, only about 2.2% of the content published online generates more than one unique backlink.

Link Building Effectiveness Statistics

The following effectiveness statistics will help understand the impact of link building on your website’s performance:

  • A Search Engine Journal study highlights that websites with more backlinks often exhibit higher domain authority, which correlates positively with improved rankings on SERPs.
  • Research from the Content Marketing Institute (CMI) revealed that backlinks generated from content marketing have an 88% higher time on site than links acquired through other methods. It demonstrates the engagement potential and long-lasting impact of content-driven link building.
  • Websites or landing pages ranking on the first page of Google have an average of 3.8 times more backlinks than pages ranking on subsequent pages, revealed Backlinko. It highlights the direct relationship between backlinks and search ranking position.
  • A study by Ahrefs pointed out that focusing on long-tail keywords can increase search traffic, as they tend to attract a more specific and targeted audience. These keywords often have lower competition and higher conversion rates when compared with shorter, more general keywords. Additionally, targeting long-tail keywords through strategic content creation can result in more backlink-building opportunities from relevant websites.
  • Another study by Cone Communications revealed that 87% of consumers are more likely to support companies that demonstrate a commitment to social or environmental responsibility. As such, businesses can enhance their brand visibility by engaging in community initiatives or charitable efforts within their respective industries. Not only does this help build positive relationships with customers, but it also makes it more likely for websites covering these activities to generate backlinks.
  • According to recent findings from Cisco, video content is expected to make up considerable global internet traffic soon. As such, businesses may benefit from integrating visual elements into their overall content approach to increase their reach and attract a range of audiences. Organizations can create new linkable assets and reinforce their online presence by creating informative and engaging videos, podcasts, and interactive content.

Link Building Cost Statistics

While link building offers significant benefits, it’s vital to consider the costs involved. Here are some cost statistics:

  • Research by Moz found that the average cost of acquiring a high quality backlink is around $361. This figure varies depending on industry, target audience, and link source.
  • A study by Siege Media revealed that 56% of publishers charge less than $250 for a guest post, while 30% charge between $251-$500. Understanding these costs can help you allocate appropriate resources for your link building endeavors.
  • Research by Ahrefs showed that most of the backlinks (77.8%) acquired through outreach campaigns are free. It signifies the importance of building relationships and providing value to website owners in exchange for backlinks.
  • As per the SEO Tribunal, organizations allocate a significant portion of their SEO budget towards link building, with an average allocation of at least 25%.
  • On the other hand, in-house marketing teams dedicate around 10% of their overall SEO budget to link building. Aira says most of these costs are typically spent outsourcing link building efforts to specialized agencies or experts.
  • A considerable number of respondents (46%) anticipate that the cost of link building will rise soon, as per Aira. Currently, link building is considered an expensive SEO tactic by many organizations, but this trend is likely to continue based on projections made by marketing professionals.
  • Additionally, it’s worth mentioning that around 35% of businesses opt to outsource their link building and SEO efforts to external parties, while some experts suggest that if Google had its way, backlinks would organically accrue to high-quality websites without any deliberate action, says Social Media Today.

Link Building Trends

There are several emerging link building trends that you should keep an eye on:

  • Linking to authority sources: Search engines increasingly favor websites that link to reputable and authoritative websites. Including relevant and trustworthy sources in your content can enhance your link building efforts.
  • Linking in-depth content: Creating comprehensive and insightful content that covers a topic in-depth can attract more external backlinks. Providing unique value is crucial in an era where content saturation is prevalent.
  • Quality over quantity: Focus on acquiring high quality backlinks from authoritative websites rather than aiming for a large number of low-quality backlinks. Quality links carry more weight in improving your website’s search engine visibility.


The link building statistics showcased in this article highlight the undeniable importance of acquiring quality backlinks to improve your website’s search rankings, attract organic traffic, and establish your brand’s online authority. It is not just a myth or a passing trend; the data supports the significance of link building in helping you reach your online goals.

Embrace the power of link building, understand the importance of link building statistics, explore different strategies, and adapt to evolving trends to maximize the potential of your digital presence.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why is link building important for SEO?

Link building is crucial in SEO by enhancing the understanding of a website’s content relevance and value to search engines. Backlinks serve as endorsements from external sources, signifying that a site’s content is credible and reliable. In essence, backlinks function as a vote of approval from other websites to bolster the link page’s authority and ranking within search engine results pages (SERPs).

How long does it take for link building to show results?

The duration required for link building efforts to produce tangible outcomes may fluctuate based on various variables, including the level of competition within your respective niche, the caliber of links acquired, and the intensity of link building tactics employed. Usually, it takes anywhere from a few months to several months to witness conspicuous enhancements in search engine rankings due to these initiatives.

Are all backlinks equally valuable?

No, not all backlinks are equally valuable. The relevance and quality of the website play a significant role in determining the value of a backlink. It’s essential to focus on acquiring backlinks from reputable and relevant sources to maximize their impact on your SEO efforts.

What is better, a few high quality backlinks or many low-quality backlinks?

It is generally advantageous to acquire fewer high quality backlinks rather than numerous low-quality ones. Backlinks from reputable sources carry greater weight and can favorably influence search engine ranking. In contrast, low-quality backlinks may detrimentally affect a website’s SEO performance.

What are some effective link building strategies?

Some effective link-building strategies include guest blogging, building relationships with influencers, creating shareable content, and leveraging linkless mentions. These link building tactics can help you acquire relevant and high quality backlinks that contribute to your website’s SEO success.

Blog | Link Building Statistics To Transform Your SEO Strategy in 2024 Page new Rahul Doshi

December 18, 2023

Updated: July 17, 2024
Table of Contents General Link Building Statistics Link Building Process and Strategies Statistics Link Building Trend Statistics Link Building Opportunities and Challenges Statistics Link Building Effectiveness Statistics Link Building Cost Statistics Link Building Trends Conclusion Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) If you’re a digital marketer or website owner, chances are you’ve discovered the importance of link…